Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wednesday was a good day!

So 3 very good things happened yesterday that I would like to share with you all:

#1. I got a job! I real honest-to-goodness job! I am going to be a volunteer/teaching coordinator. I am even getting paid, which I was not expecting at all! I will be making $200 a month, and will have a lot more responsibility than last year. I am not sure exactly what it is at the moment, but as soon as I find out I will let you know. I am so excited! So now family and that I know I am going to be sticking around for while...COME VISIT ME! Anytime, just let me know!

#2. I had a chance to play with the lion cubs (see previous post). Tiny, angry, meat-eating lion cubs. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life. I really think this one can only be explained by pictures....My pictures wont download! Look at my facebook to see the pics.

#3. To make this one clear to you all, I need to explain the backstory. Be warned: The backstory is sad.

Last Monday, I was working in the clinic and this little boy came in with his mother. He was two years old, but did not look like the chubby little butter balls I have become quite used to (Rubes). He basically was a skeleton with skin, and his eyes were severely sunken in. He sat there clinging to his mother moaning...not crying, but moaning. It was clear when looking at him and his chart that he was severely malnourished--like the kind of thing you only read about. According to the chart, he had weighed 9.5 kg. The day I saw him, he weighed 7.3 kg. It was also clear that his mother had checked out...basically, given up. She seemed detached to what was going on with her son. When they went in to see the clinical advisor, I couldn't stop thinking about them. So when they came out, I made them come see me again. They had been referred to the hospital, but I was worried about if they would go or not, due to what I had witnessed with the mom earlier. I got the name and the address, and later that day, I told my project manager what I'd seen. The next day, we sent our medical liason to the house. The mother had taken Castro (the baby) to the hospital, but we found out that this family was starving. It turned out that the mother was sixteen and that she she had been raped and left pregnant. Both her parents had died from AIDS and she was being looked after by her grandmother. The grandmother was not working due to illness, so there was no money for food. Rosie, one of the coordinators, and the med. liason went to visit Castro at the hospital and took milk, fruit, vegetables and multivitamins. He was not allowed to eat them yet because they had to give high nutrients-formula, but the nurses set it aside for the family.
Yesterday, I had a chance to go visit him at the hospital with Rosie and the change that had occured in one week was astounding! He was not healthy by anymeans, but his face had gained a bit of weight and his eyes were not sunken in anymore. He was still ridiculously malnourished, but they were starting to put him on solid foods.

Everyday, I work in these clinics and I take these sick patients' vitals. I never get a chance to see how and if these people get well. I know that I had little to do with Castro's weight gain or the fact that he was doing a little bit better, but it was still amazing to be able to witness the difference.

So all in all. A good day.